Friday, 16 March 2012


May 2010.

When I fall weak, remind me Ya Rabb, that strength comes from You, so I should seek You.
When I lose myself, remind me that light comes from You alone, and I should call on You.
When my plans fail me, Ya Rabb, remind me that Your plans are the best of plans, for verily You are the best of all Planners.
When tears fall from my eyes, remind me that only You are worthy of my cries, and while You count every tear, only with You by my side I can conquer these fears.
When I seek knowledge, remind me that You are the Provider and only You can increase me in knowledge.
When I fall weak and I'm down on my knees, remind me Ya Rabbul al-Amin, that I am in the best position to bow my head down to You and remind me that while I may be far from the Dunya, I'm only closest to You.


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