Friday 9th September 2011.
G r a d u a t i o n.
"It's not about the destination, its the journey that counts." - One of the most profound quotes I've ever heard with such magnitude of truth in it. Its funny how three years of education all comes down to a handshake and a piece of paper with a number or two on it. If I could relive that day, I would; for so many reasons. Right now I'm struggling to put into words how special this Friday was to me.
This journey has been by far one of the most significant for me. Through these years, I have had some of the greatest experiences life could ever take me through. I've realised that you truly get out of life what you put into it in the first place.. Hard work, dedication and hundreds of sleepless nights sum up a journey of a lifetime, full of tough times and smiles too. Up until second year, I had no idea that bibliographies were meant to be in alphabetical order. I didn't know I could write actual essays of a substantial standard in a matter of days. Through these hardships, countless blessings shone. For all that and more; Alhamdulillah.
Praise be to Allah; who guided and gave me the strength to cope with the adversaries of the past three years. Praise be to Allah; who helped me get this far. Praise be to Allah; who blessed me with amazing family and friends to share the moments with.
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